I remember how optimistic I was in the very first weeks of 2020, I loved how aesthetically pleasing the number was. The turn of events was on a random uni day, we decided to skip a class and have fun. However, the fun didn't last long. We heard the news, the first case of coronavirus in Tunisia has been reported. I remember the very first thought that bombarded my mind was the paralyzing fear i felt about my loved ones'safety. I'm being honest with you here, it definitely wasn't easy, I lived one of the worst days of my life. I locked myself in my room and drowned in my thoughts and my tears .
"Girl, enough with the drama", I hear u Kevin. Even with those dark moments, I can't deny that 2020, like any other life-changing experience, taught me a lifetime worth of lessons.
1) Humans are adaptative as hell:
We all thought that lockdown was a matter of a couple of weeks, little did we know that those weeks turned into a reality. We cannot live in a crisis forever, we found ourselves obliged to redefine normal. And suddenly the unusual became the usual.
2) Life is unpredictable; cliché but true:
Over 2 million people lost their lives due to the virus and between those scary numbers , I reached a quite fair conclusion ; we took a lot of things for granted: the air we’re breathing , our heartbeats , touching another human and most importantly our lives. The privation from these things , the little things that matter the most, was a torturing yet a vital lesson.
3) Health is wealth; cliché but true too:
We get so caught up in our daily battles and neglect our homes, the only home no one can take from us, our bodies. And this pandemic was a bitter reminder to look after them.
4) You’re more than * insert your degree/job *
Spending time at home was an opportunity to experience new (or old) hobbies to explore our interests and be creative. Some people started small businesses, others changed their field or got in the depth of their euphoria's soucre.
5) Life goals are overrated : We need to ditch job goals, couple goals, appartement goals. I don't give a damn about your life. I'm too busy focusing on my own goals and life. The urge to make every aspect of our lives perfect is a product of consumption societies. Where's the fun if we shared the same experiences, had the same stuff, and basically were identical? This pandemic taught me how unique and amazing our lives already are. And how privileged we are to have a roof over our head, clean water and many other amenities.
I asked my loved ones about what covid taught ‘em , some responses were hilarious (yeah sarcastic friends are a gift) others were so eye-opening , thoughtful friends are a gift ,too. What they all agreed about is how life changing it was. Some of them discovered their families on a deeper level during lockdown, some discovered themselves, others developed their spirituality.
The pandemic makes us everyday consider our mortality, question our beliefs and normalize the abnormal. So, my friend take care, wear your mask and entertain your brain.
See you in the next piece <3
by Arij Ouechteti
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