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conspiracy theory again

Are you interested in conspiracy theories? Because I am. In fact, these theories project the complexity of our brains, and reveals how far we could go to achieve our goals or to satisfy our imagination. That’s why before going further, I need you to turn the lights off, put some scary deep music on and concentrate as much as you can (It’s about to go down).

When I say conspiracy theories many of you will think of the assassination of JFK, the 9/11 cover up, area 51 and the aliens, the faked moon landing, CIA… however, it’s none of the above, today we’ll talk about secret societies. So, first we should start by defining:

What is the illuminati?

It all started in 18th (1776) century precisely in Bavaria (Germany) when a law professor called Adam Weishaupt, decided to defect from all religions and start his own community “the illuminati”. He was influenced by “the age of enlightenment” (an intellectual movement that dominated the world of ideas in Europe during 18th and 17th centuries,. Included many philosophers such as Descartes, ergo sum, Isaac newton).

This movement’s strategy was to recruit brilliant minded man (scientists, economists, educationalists ….), to do so weishaupt needed to implement more in the masonic lodges (since they had the same ideas) and created a secret society within a secret one hiding his intentions under the global philanthropy. As a result, many of them embraced his satanic protocol. Members were convinced that they represent the gods of the world; they have the absolute right to rule those less giftedgueum”.

For that, they decided to make everybody on this planet withdraw all religions and believe in a one-world government (totalitarian). Added to that, rumors said that this movement’s members created the system of international scholarships to finance many smart students academically and as soon as they reach high government positions (consultants, vice presidents, influencers…), all decisions will be made or imposed by them.

That strategy wasn’t enough to create the desired impact on normal people, so, The illuminati assumed that overthrowing social order and creating anarchy will. in 1847/48, Karl marx (who was sponsored by the US president Roosevelt) and Frederick Engels wrote the “communist manifesto” proclaiming against: religion, god, family, the system and all moral values back then. That was the signal for the illuminati to start familiarizing the concept of communism, which called for a revolution by the working class that would tear down the capitalist world, and for the set-up of a new dictatorship led by the government.

Capitalists rapidly crushed this revolution but it was never the end. In fact, Trotsky (Russian revolutionary, political theorist and politician. Ideologically a communist, he developed a variant of Marxism known as Trotskyism) and Lenin (was a Russian revolutionary, politician, and political theorist. He served as head of government of Soviet Russia from 1917 to 1924 and of the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1924) revived communism again by the establishment of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and it witnessed a high pick until the rise of another opponent: Nazism and fascism in 1887 that crushed communism for good.

As you all know, evil powers don’t die easily. Actually, they took advantage of the holocaust after the world war, and stimulated the arise of a new power: Zionism their main purpose was to create a world war 3 by putting arabs and jews against each other. in other words, it was all about creating incidences and dividing the world's population into 2 opponent parties.

Many theorists believe that bankers and capitalists control all means of information and resources and are responsible for the return of all old illuminati thoughts and principles, in order to gain more profit and prepare the right circumstances to rule this world. that’s why I should mention the barons of money today such as the rotschild: The World’s Richest Family, which have been accused for years of conspiracies and interfering in governmental decisions.

To sum up, i can neither confirm this theory nor deny. As a matter of fact, I feel that there are many missing pieces of the story. So, all I can say is we need to pay close attention to what’s happening around us even the silliest information and assumptions should be revised and taken in consideration otherwise we’ll have no control over our lives.

by mariem zayen


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