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How i fought procrastination, and how you can too?

My advice is to never do tomorrow what you can do today. Procrastination is the thief of time”

Charles Dickens

Sleeping all day long is fun, watching Netflix for 5 hours straight is fun and scrolling through Instagram for an eternity is fun too. But looking around at 11pm and realizing you didn't check any case of your to-do list is definitely not fun. I know that the struggle is real, I've been there myself. So here my friend is my secret recipe to increase productivity without draining yourself.

1_ Plan everything in advance :

Planning tasks ahead gives you a perspective of how your day will be, you'll feel in control of your time. If you know me in real life, you know that i carry a planner everywhere i go. But, digital notes apps are a great quick option too. I highly recommend Google keep app and the notion app or website.

I got my planner from Stradivarius, a year ago and it was of a great help to me. You can make planning fun and aestheticly pleasing.

Here are some snippets of my planner:

2_ However, don't over plan :

You have to leave time and space to sudden tasks, plan your breaks too and learn to make your schedule more flexible,. It’s not a productivity consent, it’s about getting your shit together and turning your current life into your dream life.

3_ Seek quality not quantity :

Being realistic while writing your to do list is crucial. A long list of 20 tasks is satisfying to make but impossible to achieve in our short 24 hours which will make you discouraged. So start small and keep in mind that less is more.

4- Motivation is key:

You should find your source of motivation or create it. The main reason why you’re procrastinating is because there is no passion or pleasure in your tasks. It’s true that your math homework feels like a burden, but you have to do it both ways . So choose the fun one , ask a friend for help , put a timer and reward yourself once you finish it or play a study with me video on youtube ( I’ll link my favorite in the ressources section).

It took me a while to realize that i feel so motivated once i start working and hustling. On the bad lazy days, getting up from bed is the hardest but once i begin working, i forget about my cosy warm bed (for a while..) and get the work done. It’s up to you to try different things until you come up with your favorite method.

5_ Your mental health matters :

But most importantly, my friend, do not neglect your mental health and choose being busy over productive. It leads to no good. Learn to listen to your body and take breaks when needed. Breaks aren't lost time instead they're a chance to recharge your power and work more effectively later. And if you're feeling like sleeping till 11am or spending the day in your bed. Do it, it's crucial to go easy on yourself.

Arij Ouechtati

Ressources :

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