Today I am going to teach you how to create a killing machine. Well the recipe is very easy you take a person (educational background doesn’t matter) you add some strength some guns and white weapons don’t forget to blend it very well. Then add our secret ingredient the ultimate POWER “the power of law “, it works every time.
PS: this recipe is better blended in a dictatorship regime!!
For those who can’t relate, I am talking about the Repression of attacks against armed forces bill. Apparently, this law seems fair and seducing but if you are a critical thinking person you’d know by now that the problem is in the wording and the framing of the proposed law. Actually, even the head of the Syndicate of Internal Security Forces admits it.
For example, this part states that security officers should not to be held criminally responsible “when performing tasks or interventions during the performance of his duties or in relation to his capacity, as well as within the framework of implementing the regulatory frameworks. It resulted in material or bodily harm or death” عدم مؤاخذة العون جزائيا ”عند قيامه بمهمات أو تدخلات أثناء أدائه لوظائفه أو في علاقة بصفته، وكذلك في إطار تطبيق الأطر الترتيبية. ونتج عن ذلك أضرار مادية أو بدنية أو وفاة
so, basically this text encourages the few indecent security officers to play by their own rules، in other words، they can resort to violence in cases that they see suitable and get away with it. In fact, according to Hiba Morayef Amnesty International’s North Africa Research Director
“In Tunisia, abuses committed in the name of security almost always go unpunished’
Adding to that, we all knew the meaning of a police state before 2011, we were deprived from the freedom of speech, many-got raped tortured and killed. blood was shed in the deepest prison cells. Every move we made was being watched and supervised. Some people could forget that atrocious past or even deny it saying that we were living in a golden era. only superficial silly minded people think that their interests are above every moral value, which differentiates us from animals, such as humanity humbleness, respect and FREEDOM. To those I say just remember Kamel Matmati’s mother heartbreaking words that she stated in the first public hearing in November 2016 “I just want to know where he’s buried”. Furthermore, the torture was getting harder and more creative as time passes, Faisel Baraket was one of the victims, his family said that “He was all covered in blood. He was bleeding from his genitals, his rectum; He was unrecognizable, bruises all over." Do you imagine how cruel, merciless and sadistic a man could be to do such things to others? And more importantly Could we trust their judgements again and hand them the absolute power to control? I personally doubt it
For that, we need to realize that accepting this bill would be a step back from achieving justice and a total betrayal to all those martyrs who sacrificed their lives so we can live ours in peace.
Now, to be clear no one could question the important role played by security officers and I think it’s extremely substantial to provide them with the good means of protection whether it’s moral or material. On one hand, using the law to achieve that is certainly required but on the other hand manipulating it is very dangerous and critical. In that context, Abraham Lincoln noted that: “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.”
mariem zayen