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The right path to having children

Updated: Sep 3, 2020

Have you ever wondered when is the right time to have children? What are the best decisions to make before having a baby? What it takes to be a good parent?

Well, fastened up your seat belts you're in for a long ride.

The first decision to make to be in the right path is to choose your partner carefully. Since it's a rough journey that's going to test your patience, your love for each other and the main point, how dedicated you are to this and how solid your bond is. You and your partner before deciding on having children, you need to have a healthy relationship where you both understand and trust each other to an adequate level.

It's important to have good harmony between the couple so that the infant lives in a household full of love and warmth.

As a matter of fact, children who lived in a toxic environment have suffered from depression, academic problems and self-harm. Unfortunately, the list could go on forever and it's all the parents' fault since they weren't conscious enough to decide on how much they want to invest in this.

Thus, if you and your beloved got through the previous point, you'll have to start educating yourself and approaching the matter through a more professional way by attending parenthood classes and reading books such as "how to stop loosing your shit with your kids" because no one starts with the perfect knowledge on how to parent. Don't just rely on your instinct and follow the infamous saying:"fake it till you make it". Sorry to break it out to you but that saying isn't the best scenario for this case.

On top of that, the financial side plays a big part in this journey. So, balancing your finances is a crucial step to do. Unless you don't have a stable and a presentable income, DON'T DO IT!!

I know some of you will disagree and call it a discrimination against the poor. Well, it's the truth my friend. In all honesty, I think low-income couples having children is a discrimination against the helpless kids. In fact, a detailed study done by Simon Burgess, Carol Proper, John Rigg and the ALSPAC study team explains the impact of low income on child health.

Think about it for a minute, you're bringing a new human being who has his own emotions, feelings and ideas to live in this complicated world. Don't you want to make the best decision and be a responsible parent to Creat a better future for him or her?

Therefore, please make sure to prepare yourself and have a solid plan before making such a big step because once you take it, there's no going back.

Long story short:WRAP IT UP IF YOU ARE NOT READY!!!

(incase anyone didn't get the info)

by Zeineb Lamine.


* the impact of low income on child health:

* The 20 Best Parenting Books Worth Your Money in 2020 recommended by GH:

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