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The Trump vs Biden race this Tuesday: who will be the 46th US President ?

The presidential election in the United States is an international event, the question of who occupies the throne. the white house has had a direct influence on the shape of the global economy.

As it happens, on November 3, Americans will have to decide the 46th US president who will be shaping the next 4 years of US history.

Well, the US political landscape remains dominated by two main parties — the Democrats and the Republicans — which differ greatly in their philosophies and ideals.

Therefore, the future US president will have to be one of those two: Republican Donald Trump or Democratic Joe Biden.

Republican Donald Trump:

The Republicans are the conservative political party and their candidate in this election is the 45th US President, businessman and television personality Donald Trump.

He is hoping for re-election, which means he would be in power for a total of eight years just like the other two past presidents Barack Obama and George W.Buch.

The richest president in US history was also investigated for collusion with the Russian Government for meddling in the 2016 presidential election before he was cleared of all charges.

Democratic Joe Biden:

Best known as Barack Obama's vice-president from 2009 to 2017 which helped make him a major contender for many Democrat supporters.

The 77-year-old has built his campaign on the Obama legacy, and he is known as a good-natured, easy-going populist with strong ties to the working class.

Differences in key positions and policies:

The big focus right now has been the coronavirus pandemic: it can be a deciding factor in this term winner as both candidates seem to tackle the problem differently.

For instance, current president Donald Trump tends to compare COVID-19 to the flu and refuses to wear a mask encouraging people to underestimate the danger of the pandemic.

Most republicans, also, believe that the worst is behind them contradictory to the democratic party which perceive the future as more fatal and continuously demanding more economic assistance which the Trump administration absolutely refuses.

The Health care system too is one of the most controversial issues in American society and the two parties:

Biden,for example, supports the ACA(Affordable Care Act), which was the Obama administration's signature policy achievement during his time as vice-president.

The ACA will be able to give more people the choice of a public insurance plan, rather than creating a Medicare-for-all system which means Americans no longer have to worry about insurance companies denying coverage or charging higher premiums because of a pre-existing condition. yet the republican party has long fought to dissolve the ACA arguing that it hurts American families with skyrocketing insurance costs.

Who is likely to win ?

Currently, Biden is leading national polls by a strong margin but they're not necessarily a good way to predict the result of the election : in 2016, for example, Hillary Clinton led in the polls and won nearly three million more votes than Donald Trump, but she still lost - that's because the US uses an electoral college system, so winning the most votes doesn't always win you the election..

Which states will decide this election?

As Mrs. Clinton discovered in 2016, the number of votes you win is less important than where you win them.

Most states nearly always vote the same way, meaning that in reality there are just a handful of states where both candidates stand a chance of winning. These are the places where the election will be won or lost. These states such as Arizona/Florida/Georgia/Michigan/Minnesota/North Carolina/Pennsylvania/Wisconsin are what is called the battleground states.

although at the moment, polls in these battleground states look good for Joe Biden, things can change drastically, especially when Donald Trump's involved.

That's why it is still far too early to predict who will be elected the next US President yet.

by mhamed raboudi

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